The League of Extraordinary Children's number one priority is, and has always been, upholding our commitment to maintain a safe and healthy environment for your children. We understand and share the continued concern about COVID-19 and its effects on your families and the larger community. We want to provide you the information you need to make the best decisions for yourself and your loved ones.
We've created this page to share the measures we're taking to keep the children, their families and our staff members safe in our center.
We are grateful for your continued trust and confidence in the League of Extraordinary Children. We are confident that we will get through this situation by working together and remaining focused on doing the right things.
League of Extraordinary Children is following the guidance and directives from the State of NJ, the CDC, and the American Academy of Pediatrics. We are so proud to say that many of the children enrolled in our center have family members playing essential roles in this crisis, including parents who work as nurses, doctors, grocery store clerks and more.
In addition to LOEXC's own rigorous health and safety protocols, we're reinforcing CDC-recommended preventative measures, which we describe below.
Nothing is more important to us than the health and safety of our children, families and faculty. That’s why we’ve been working hard to implement additional policies and procedures to help keep our School as clean and germ-free as possible. Some of our new policies and procedures include:
Drop Off & Pick Up
Our new routines for drop-off and pick-up are designed to ensure everyone in our center stays healthy and safe. Only one family at a time will be permitted inside the foyer, where our staff will conduct a quick health screening to ensure your child does not have a fever above 100.4 or other flu-like symptoms. A designated teacher will take your child to and from the classroom. For pick-up, parents must call prior and a teacher will bring your child to the foyer. Please be mindful of keeping a six-foot distance from others during drop-off and pick-up. Parents are asked to wear a mask during drop-off and pick-up. Check-in, along with check-out will be conducted via the Brightwheel Mobile App.
Social Distancing
We will practice social distancing in the classroom throughout the day. Your children will remain in the classroom or on the playground with their teachers and classmates. For added safety, different classes will not interact with one another, and all special events and visitors will be postponed until further notice.
Our teachers will implement an even more rigorous cleaning routine, and all high-touch surfaces and objects will be sanitized regularly throughout the day. These include, but are not limited to, all learning materials, playground structures, light switches and door handles.
Preparing Food
Teachers will continue to wear gloves while helping children with snack time and lunch. We will discontinue family-style servings at snack time. The teachers will serve children individually.
Face Masks & Shoes
In NJ, Staff shall be required to wear cloth masks while working unless doing so would inhibit the individual’s health.We have provided all our staff with masks, guidance and best practices about wearing face coverings at LOEXC. Parents with children 2 years and older are asked to please provide masks so that the children can wear when they take their walks outside.
Please references these LOEXC documents if you have any further questions:
Stay up-to date with the facts. Go to CDC's website and the State of NJ's website on COVID-19.
Social Distancing: Why Keeping Your Distance Keeps Others Safe
How to Talk to Kids about Coronavirus (New York Times)
Talking to Children about COVID-19 (Bright Horizons)
Child Mind Institute's Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus (Child Mind Institute)
A Comic Exploring The New Coronavirus (NPR's Just For Kids)
Tips to Talk About What's Going On (Headspace)
​How You and Your Kids Can De-Stress During Coronavirus (PBS Kids)
Positive Parenting and COVID-19: 10 Tips to Help Keep the Calm at Home​ (American Academy of Pediatrics)
Young Children at Home during the COVID-19 Outbreak: The Importance of Self-Care (Zero to Three)
Supporting Your Mental Health During Coronavirus (All Mental Health)